Tadabbur Surah Al-Ahqaf سورة الأحقاف – Hani Ar Rifa’i

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Tadabbur Surah Al-Ahqaf سورة الأحقاف Merdu dan Terjemah
Qari Hani Ar Rifa’i
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©️ TadabburDaily 2021
best quran recitation in the world 2020
tadabbur quran
Masya Alloh merdunya…
I hope you will give me likes for the good people to see my comment ? Qaala Rasul Allah (ﷺ) "You gain no victory or livelihood except through (the blessings and invocations of) the poor amongst you." *
I am your sister Um Mohammed from Yemen??, the city of Taiz, I am a woman whose husband died during the war, I have children, orphans, 3 kids and 2 girls,? ./ after my husband died, my mother is sick with a stroke and needs care and medicine, and our situation is tragic and we do not have the simplest requirements of life and I have no source of income and because of the war we went out of our homes and went from Taiz to Sana a,/And we left our homes and everything we have in Taiz and left us in our crisis relatives before strangers, . I live in compelling circumstances that no human being can afford, I live in a rented house, and the owner of the house threatens me with expulsion because I didn t pay the rent on me, .And I have no source of income to live from, me and my children, and no one is responsible for us, for God s sake, I send you this letter and I wrote it with tears of my eyes after the conditions narrowed and blocked all avenues in my face and I have no choice but to resort to you after God Almighty, coveting your kindness and mercy, please look at us with mercy and extend the hand of goodness to me and my children to ease our suffering, .The holy month has come to us and I cannot provide us with food, and the Feast will come, and I wish to buy Eid clothes for my children like the children of the world, please guarantee them and be parents for them, brothers by God, and give them a helping hand to bring back a smile in the face of my children.,/ Who can help me. I hope that he will Message me on the Whatsapp number. 00967776045259, or, +967776045259 I am ready to provide all the proofs that prove the correctness of my words.
Qaala Rasul Allah (ﷺ) “Whoever removes a grief from a believer from amongst the sorrows of this life, Allah will remove a grief from him amongst the sorrows of the Day of Resurrection” (Muslim)
The Prophet said: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” (Al-Tirmidhi) يارب
For one who uploaded this super great video, I say thank you very much. This Quranic recitation is really touching…fajazakallooh
Masha Allah ? Alhamdulillah ??
مشاءالله اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد بارك الله فيكم احبكم في الله ???